HACCP Managing Food Safety Hazards at the Retail Level Online Course

Course Overview:
HACCP: Managing Hazards at the Retail Level is an online, self-paced course on the HACCP System and its prerequisites. The course is designed to meet the requirements for HACCP team and staff training and to provide frontline food safety personnel in restaurants and supermarkets and is accredited by the International HACCP Alliance. 

Who Should Take the Course?

Food safety personnel;
HACCP Team Members;
Quality Control and Assurance personnel;
Production managers and staff;
Anyone who is a food safety trainer or auditor.

Course Objectives:
The course curriculum consists of 14 modules covering topics on important concepts and terminology like prerequisite programs, SOP’s, SSOP’S, Critical Limits, Critical Control Points, preventative maintenance, temperature danger zone in a clear concise fashion that anyone can understand. Special emphasis is placed on the Process HACCP approach.

Course Structure: The course is structured into 14 modules which included:

Module 01 - Introduction
Module 02 - Food Safety Hazards
Module 03 - Prerequisite Programs
Module 04 - HACCP Principles
Module 05 - Manufacturing vs. Service Facilities
Module 06 - The Process Approach
Module 07 - Developing a HACCP Plan
Module 08 - Conduct a Hazard Analysis
Module 09 - Determining Critical Control Points
Module 10 - Establishing Critical Limits
Module 11 - Establishing Monitoring Procedures
Module 12 - Developing Corrective Actions
Module 13 - Conducting Ongoing Verification
Module 14 - Record Keeping

Evaluation Process:
At the end of each module, there is a test. Participants must successfully complete the test before continuing to the next module. Participants that do not achieve 80% can review the module content and try as many times as necessary to advance and complete the course. Test questions are randomly selected from a test bank, making each test unique. 

Upon successfully completing all modules, there is a printable certificate for your records.

Course Duration:
This online course is self-paced. Participants may leave the course at anytime and can resume where they left off. The duration will depend on the individual participant and their prior knowledge of the subject matter. On average, the timeline for completion will be between 45 minutes - 1.5 hours per module.

Price: $219.99
Member Price: $219.99
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