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HACCP Basics for Processors and Manufacturers - Bundle

Buy the online course and book together.

Price: 298.99
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HACCP Basics for Processors and Manufacturers Online Course

HACCP Basics for Processors and Manufacturers is an online, self-paced course on the HACCP System and its prerequisites. Offered and certified by NEHA the course is further accredited by the International HACCP Alliance.

The course curriculum consists of 11 modules of approximately one hour of content in each module on how to meet government, industry and auditor requirements for the development and application of a working HACCP plan and the implementation of Good Manufacturing Practices to support your plan.

Price: $219.99
Member Price: $219.99
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HACCP Basics for the Bottled Water Industry Online Course

HACCP Basics for Bottled Water Processors is an online, self-paced course on the HACCP System and its prerequisites. Offered and certified by NEHA the course is further accredited by the International HACCP Alliance.

Price: $219.99
Member Price: $219.99
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HACCP Basics for the Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce Industries

HACCP Basics for the Fresh and Fresh-cut Produce Industries is an online, self-paced course on the HACCP System and its prerequisites. Offered and certified by NEHA, the course is further accredited by the International HACCP Alliance. 

The course is designed to assist participants in implementing a legally mandated food safety plan for bringing the safest possible raw vegetables and fruits to market. The course introduces food safety regulations, with an overview of elements of the 2011 Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), such as food defense and Traceability; understanding GAPS, the epidemiology of foodborne disease; agricultural and processing prerequisites on managing contamination of water, soil and production environments; and training of food handlers. The course also explains monitoring, validation and record keeping activities required to be HACCP compliant.

Price: $219.99
Member Price: $219.99
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HACCP for Food Handlers Online Course

This online course is designed to provide your staff a quick and easy to understand overview of key HACCP concepts. In less than 2 hours you can make sure anyone working in your production area knows what they can do to positively impact the safety final products they are producing.

Price: $69.95
Member Price: $69.95
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HACCP Managing Food Safety at the Retail Level Bundle

HACCP: Managing Hazards at the Retail Level Bundle combines our online, self-paced course on the HACCP System and its prerequisites with our Managing Food Safety Hazards at the Retail Level training guide. The online course is designed to meet the requirements for HACCP team and staff training and to provide frontline food safety personnel in restaurants and supermarkets with an understanding of how their behavior and active participation in creating, implementing and maintaining a HACCP plan can greatly impact the likelihood for success. Special emphasis is placed on the Process HACCP approach. 

HACCP: Managing Food Safety Hazards at the Retail Level provides a roadmap for writing and implementing a food safety management system based on hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) principles and compliments the online training as a hardcopy resource for your food safety library.

Price: 248.99
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HACCP Managing Food Safety Hazards at the Retail Level Online Course

Managing Hazards at the Retail Level is an online, self-paced course on the HACCP System and its prerequisites. Offered and certified by NEHA the course is further accredited by the International HACCP Alliance.

The course is designed to meet the requirements for HACCP team and staff training and to provide frontline food safety personnel in restaurants and supermarkets with an understanding of how their behavior and active participation in creating, implementing and maintaining a HACCP plan can greatly impact the likelihood for success. Special emphasis is placed on the Process HACCP approach.

Price: $219.99
Member Price: $219.99
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